*Now Hiring*
Please contact our office at (817) 306-7892 or email Marykate Dent at marykate@upsltd.us.
United Professional Services
Make It Happen: More than just a catchy phrase, Make It Happen is the core of our business. United Professional Services listens to the needs expressed by their clients, identifies potential solutions and then strives to - Make It Happen.
The regulations facing today's industry
leaders can create pitfalls for companies
who are trying their best to balance
operational needs with environmental
requirements. United Professional Services
employees work with their clients to provide
clear solutions that don't break the bank.
Our Services Include
- 24-Hour Emergency Response
- Site Remediation
- Confined Space Entries
- High and Low Pressure
- Chemical Transfers
- Waste Profiling and Waste Disposal
- Chemical and Oil Spill
Containment and Cleanup
- Tank Cleaning
- Radiation Testing
- Fire Safety Trailers
- Spill Prevention Surveys,
- Response Planning and Audits
- Hazardous Materials Training
- Industrial Maintenance
- Compressed Gas and Liquid Product
-Transfers and Flaring
- Incidents Involving Rail Road Emergencies
and Rail Car Transfers
- Haz-Mat Transportation Emergencies
- Severe Hazardous Materials Handling
and Escorting
- Reactives and Explosives Neutralization
and Stabilization
- Lab Packs
- Abandoned Waste
- RCRA Hazardous Chemical Buried
- Container Excavation and Identification
of Unknown Chemical Containers
- COVID-19 Decontamination